Fare of the Free Child
Fare of the Free Child podcast focuses on Black people, Native Indigenous people, and People of Color (BIPOC) families who practice unschooling and other forms of Self-directed, decolonized living and learning. Each weekly episode examines a particular way that we’ve accepted coercive, emotionally and physically damaging habits as a normal part of adult-child relationships. With a focus on deschooling one’s self, decolonizing education, and exploring radical self-expression, this podcast challenges and informs us to walk toward a model for living with children that believes in trusting and respecting children and ourselves. #fofcpod #raisingfreepeople
Fare of the Free Child
Ep. 247 A for Absent: What feels missing in your current relationships?
Here we go #fofcpod friends! Let’s continue with this 70-day PAUSE journey, along with the amazing Domari Dickinson of Positive and Purposeful Parenting.
- P is for Pain Points
- A is for absences
- U is for understanding
- S for sorting or shedding
- E for exploration
Episode 247 is part one of the Listening Party around the letter A (for Absences) in PAUSE, so we’re offering you affirmations and snippets from conversations all in service of our current PAUSEwerk. What’s missing? What feels lost or otherwise missing from your relevant relationships?
Akilah and Domari place their attention on some of the things that once, or even now, feel absent in their relationships or practices. The invitation is for you to slow down, discern, and align.
Since healthy boundaries tend to be one of the more common missing elements, we touch on those in this episode, and will expand that exploration when we touch U for Understanding in two weeks. In the meantime, what’s your relationship to boundaries?
Are you a confident boundary setter?
Cautious but willing boundary setter?
Do you suck at setting boundaries?
Hush Little Parent Homie, sung by Val Sinclair:
Hush little parent homie you ain’t gotta say a word,
but some of your beliefs are pretty absurd,
they came from your Mama and she got them from hers,
but it’s time to stop and think ‘cause they ain’t gotta be yours.
Hush little parent homie don’t perpetuate
schoolish colonizer-minded traits,
We took them in, in attempts to survive,
but they don’t apply now; we tryna thrive.
So, hush little parent homie don’t perpetuate
schoolish colonizer-minded traits.
Boundaries are vital to my life’s design,
in fact, my boundaries are invitations for us to align,
it’s ok not to love it, I ain’t askin’ for no shrine,
just affirming what I need and honoring what’s mine.
I am worthy, I am loved,
I am safe, I am free,
and when I choose to pause,
that’s liberation work for me.
I reject the option of performing a life
and choose to authentically design mine.
I am in partnership with this child
I am not in partnership with people’s opinions about my child.
I show up, I listen, I lean, I let.
Download this episode so that you can record your version of the words that you connect with. And join us on Monday, April 18th at 1 PM Eastern for part two of this discussion about what’s missing.
- Shout out
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